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Founded in 2011 LJ INTERIOR Design is a sister-run boutique Interior Design Firm curating beautiful, functional family spaces without compromising high style or design. We focus on trends in material and design and take inspiration from the fashion world in new and unexpected ways. Our home designs are elevated, stylish and authentic to our individual clients taste. LJI Design is now based out of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Lindsay lives with her husband, two sons, and two dogs (one very large, and one quite small) in Westport, Connecticut. Jodi lives in Needham, Massachusetts with her husband and two daughters.

Lindsay Kate Bilchik; Founding Partner & Principal Designer

Lindsay has designed homes spanning the East Coast, including New York, Connecticut, Florida, Vermont, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.  Founding her business in 2011 in Manhattan, Lindsay’s work has been praised for utilizing a well balanced and cohesive aesthetic.  She pays great attention to proportion and scale ultimately creating a well tailored home that is comfortable, stylish and most importantly, livable.  Lindsay works to stay in touch with the personality, needs and individual styles of her clients.  Ultimately her goal is to design a home for families to grow and create memories.

“My love for Interior Design started at a young age.  I learned early on the importance of what design could do to transform a room into a warm and welcoming space.  My passion for art and design led me to study at Syracuse University where I graduated from the School of Visual & Performing Arts, Majoring in Interior Design.  I had no doubt that the Interior Design Industry would be where I would make my mark and moved to NYC to follow my dream.  While working for three high-end Interior Design Firms I was able learn from the best, hone my skills as a designer and create well-curated spaces.  It is through these invaluable lessons and experiences that LJ INTERIOR DESIGN was born.”

Jodi Rae Ryan; Partner & Interior Designer

Jodi spent the first 11 years of her career in Fashion and Product design in New York City.  She moved back to Massachusetts where the sisters grew up in 2010 to join a Global Retail Organization where she launched a product development division for handbags & small leather goods.   She lead the design and development team for 11 Global Retail chains and 3 on-line channels for 7 years.  In April of 2020 feeling eager for a new challenge and the decision to follow her dream, she made the decision to join Lindsay at LJ INTERIOR DESIGN